
Montreal is the cultural and economic capital of the province Quebec and the second largest city in Canada. Set on an island in the St. Lawrence River, Montreal is a city where the French and English cultures meet. It is a city rich in culture and history and a well-deserved reputation as one of the liveliest cities in North America. Montreal is the second-largest French-speaking (as a mother language) city in the world, behind Paris. The population of Montreal is about 1.9 million, with 4 million in the metro area.

English language schools in Montreal

The Mon­treal Inter­na­tional Insti­tute of Lan­guage Arts (M.I.I.L.A.) has an FAQ page that includes 'Questions about Montreal' as well.

Will I like Montreal?

Mon­treal is with­out a doubt the safest, clean­est, most fun and excit­ing city in Canada, and the cost of liv­ing is the low­est in North Amer­ica! This means that you will be able to afford longer and more enjoy­able stays here than in any other Cana­dian city and most cities in the USA. There are so many things to do in Mon­treal that it is impos­si­ble to get bored. You will love Montreal!

Should I be afraid of win­ter in Montreal?

Not at all, although win­ters are cold in Canada and Mon­treal can be cooler than some other cities. In Jan­u­ary and Feb­ru­ary, snow is abun­dant and tem­per­a­tures drop below zero degree Cel­sius; how­ever, you will be well equipped with a win­ter coat, a warm hat that cov­ers your ears, a pair of gloves and a scarf that cov­ers your nose and mouth. Peo­ple do not tend to wan­der around out­doors for hours dur­ing the win­ter as they would dur­ing the sum­mer; instead, they enjoy the amaz­ing under­ground city! By the way, did you know that M.I.I.L.A. is located only min­utes away from the under­ground city?! You can also enjoy win­ter sports such as down­hill or cross-country ski­ing, ice skat­ing, tub­ing and fun win­ter fes­ti­vals. Spend­ing at least one win­ter in Mon­treal will be a fan­tas­tic unfor­get­table experience.

What is the best sea­son to study in Montreal?

It depends. Each stu­dent has dif­fer­ent tem­per­a­ture pref­er­ences and inter­ests in out­door activ­i­ties. The nightlife remains the same through­out the year. Stu­dents gen­er­ally enjoy sum­mer more than the win­ter in Mon­treal, because of the warm weather, the longer days, and the numer­ous out­door fes­ti­vals. How­ever, if you have never seen snow or enjoyed win­ter activ­i­ties before, a win­ter in Mon­treal is a must!

Montreal Climate

Montreal enjoys four distinct seasons. The summers are humid, and range from warm to hot, with a daily average of 21 to 22 °C in July; temperatures in excess of 30 °C are not uncommon. Winter in Montreal usually brings cold, snowy, windy, and, at times, icy weather, with a daily average of around −10 °C in January. Spring and fall are pleasantly mild but prone to drastic temperature changes.

English language schools in Montreal

Prices in Montreal


As in every large city the rent wildly varies so it is betters to check on craigslist and other sites the rent you would be paying.


Here is the link to the fares for the public transit system STM (Société de transport de Montréal).

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