Mon­treal Inter­na­tional Insti­tute of Lan­guage Arts (M.I.I.L.A.)

The following is from the school's website:

"At M.I.I.L.A., we strive to offer stu­dents the best edu­ca­tional expe­ri­ence and all the per­sonal atten­tion they deserve. We not only want to meet our stu­dents’ expec­ta­tions, we want to exceed them! Each course level is care­fully designed to pro­vide opti­mal learn­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties, and our knowl­edge­able and pro­fes­sional teach­ers will ensure that stu­dents achieve their goals and acquire excel­lent lan­guage skills.

Our uniquely coloured facil­i­ties include an invit­ing stu­dent lounge, a fully equipped kitchen, a com­puter lab with FREE unlim­ited high speed and Wi-Fi inter­net access, com­fort­able and clean class­rooms with nat­ural light, a state-of-the-art con­fer­ence room and an out­door patio."



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